Restricted Chemical Product Permits
Registered S7 pesticides, such as 1080, para-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) and strychnine, can be used for vertebrate pest animal control. The use of these products is restricted by law and confined to certain areas of Western Australia.
​Before using a registered pesticide, a landholder must:
complete mandatory training,
apply for and obtain the appropriate permit: a Restricted Chemical Product (RCP) Permit, and
comply with relevant Acts and Regulations. ​​​​​​
​For more information and access to the training, visit the DPIRD's Registered Pesticide Permits page​​

Fauna Causing Damage Permits
(Damage Permits for Emus)

To manage emus on your property, you need a Fauna Causing Damage Licence (referred to by the NBG as a Damage Permit).
The licence is issued by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to 'take or disturb fauna causing an impact on public safety or biosecurity, or economic or biodiversity damage'.
A Fauna Causing Damage Licence will specify the:
number and species of animal you may take
area where the animals may be taken
who may take the animals
manner in which the animals may be taken.
To find out more about the license:​